The EP comment on Georgian elections

da: Redazione
23 November 2020

The result of elections

Saturday 21st November Georgia voted for the parliamentary elections of 17 remaining seats, after the electoral round already held on October 31 that had already allocated most of the seats of the Georgian Parliament. The Georgian Dream party led by Bizdina Ivanishvili won the elections for the third time in a row, winning 48% of the total votes against the 27% of the main opposition party, the United National Movement of former President Mikheil Saakashvili.

The AFET statement

On November 23rd the AFET Committee (Foreign Affairs) of the European Parliament issued a statement to comment on this second round of parliamentary elections, which have just taken place. In particular, MEPs David McAlisster, Marina Kaljurand, Sven Mikser and Viola von Cramon-Taubadel wanted to congratulate Georgia, as a key ally of the EU, for having successfully organized these elections despite the difficult pandemic context. The press release goes on stating that, as with the previous results, the EP will refer to the assessment of the OSCE/ODIHR, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Assembly Parliamentary of the Council of Europe, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the feedback of the European Diplomatic Watch.

Regret is expressed for the choice of the opposition candidates not to compete in the recent ballots and MEPs ask to proceed with a new electoral reform supported by all forces present in parliament, as requested by OSCE/ODIHR. The MEPs call on all political actors to show responsibility, balance and maturity in respecting the democratic choice of the electorate and to find soon the necessary compromises, also through the collaboration of EU and US ambassadors to Georgia. The statement ends with an invitation to the newly elected parliament in Georgia to continue to work on the European path already embraced by the government of Tbilisi. the European path already embraced by the government of Tbilisi. The release ends with an invitation to the newly elected parliament in Georgia to continue to work for the European path already embraced by the government of Tbilisi.

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