The Belt and the Road Initiative’s opportunity for Italian future.

da: Redazione
9 Aprile 2019

The partnership between Italy and China is built on sound roots,
inspired by natural convergences between two ancient civilizations.
These relations are constantly enriched with new areas of cooperation.

Italy and China are two great bearers of ancient civilizations, whose
artistic heritage arouses admiration throughout the world.

They share a millennial history, marked by a lively intertwining of art,
literature, music, trade, high craftsmanship, since ancient times. This
historical cultural affinity between the two civilizations is a precious
asset, which has reached our days.

The two countries represent, for each other, a great driving force for
development that can be put to good use through the promotion, and
enhancement, also of the respective cultural and creative industries.
These dynamics must be facilitated to realize their enormous potential.

The Belt and the Road Initiative will be an opportunity not only from
China in Europe, but from Europe and from Italy to China. It is, indeed,
a great infrastructure that we will have to use to better connect to the
Asian market through agreements that are advantageous for both parties.

The Italian participation in the creation of the so-called “New Silk
Road” therefore assumes significance, and importance, on the economical
level and above all on the cultural level and on that of relations
between people, through cultural projects, ideas, exchange of knowledge,
new travel, scientific and technological opportunities. For a long time,
Italy has seen in China not only its own economic partner of the highest
level, but also driving force of the world economy and trade.

Italy has to focus on the sectors in which it has excellent experiences,
in terms of advanced technologies and solutions. From energy,
environmental protection, sustainable urbanization, mechanics, food
security, health services, fashion, design. The Italian way of life,
with its leading products, attracts attention in all countries, affected
by a growing increase in living standards.

The intensification of economic relations have to pass through the
creation of a context that is as open and transparent as possible; in
which the economic actors of the two countries can act in an equivalent
manner, mutually free and balanced, with the removal of barriers, which
still stand in the way of trade flows: promoting access to the
respective markets, protecting in particular the security of investments
and intellectual property, opening to foreign companies of Chinese
public tenders.




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