A rise in the number and spread of conflicts in countries across Africa’s Sahel region is putting further strains on already fragile communities. To help those most in need, the European Commission is stepping up its support with a further €35 million in humanitarian aid.
The trip to Syria by the president of Meseuro Mario Mauro on TriesteAllNews : “Recently I returned to Syria once again, accompanying members of the Italian and European Parliament on a visit that promoted the aim of helping the Syrian people in the reconciliation process and favoring the return of refugees. “…(keep reading- Italian version […]
This paper made by the Bank of Italy offers a key to reading and analyzing the international strategy pursued by China, analyzing actions undertaken by the Chinese government and the reactions of the rest of the world.
What will be the global economic growth in 2019? Starting from the forecasts of the United Nations we can draw the economic map of this year and find out what countries are growing and why in the world.
The so-called spazzacorrotti law equates in Italy political parties with foundations.